
Chicago Market's New Board Members

When an organization is vibrant and healthy, lots of people want to be a part of it. That's why we were so encouraged by the large group of awesome candidates who stepped up to run for the Board of Directors of Chicago Market. The Co-op is headed into a critical phase, and these Board members will have the opportunity to make a huge impact on the Chicago Market's future.

Elections are over, and many Owners voted and met candidates at our annual meeting. We're proud to announce Chicago Market's newest Board members:

Sara Dinges
Yanira Doyle
Lee Herman
Dana McKinney
Ankit Mehta
Xuan "Sunny" Nguyen

In addition, incumbents Anthony Todd and Greg Berlowitz were re-elected to new terms. See their candidate statements to learn more about all of these Owners and what's important to them.


The new Board members are already hard at work on their orientation, and the full Board is hard at work to make Chicago Market's bricks and mortar store a reality.

We want to thank every one of our Board candidates. We're grateful for their passion and willingness to share their time and ideas. As we've learned in the past, these individuals can and will take on other team and leadership roles, and make a huge impact. We look forward to their engagement and welcome them to consider a run for the Board again! 

We also offer heartfelt gratitude to all of the Owners who have stepped off our Board of Directors in the last year: Lizzy Appleby, Mark Ahlheim, Larry Gast, Karen Jacobs, Heather Lalley, Tony Neuhoff and Mike Sullivan. Most of these folks, too, continue as active volunteers on various Chicago Market teams. 

On our Board or beyond it, Chicago Market's volunteers are the lifeblood of our co-operative community. Want to know more about how you can get involved? Email us anytime!


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