
So, You Want to Be a Board Member?

Join Chicago Market Board member, Dana McKinney, to learn what it means to be a Board member for our start-up food co-op. She’ll review what the Board does, the skills that typically make a Board Member successful, the time commitments involved, and what it means to be a “working board” vs. a “governing board”. This is a casual discussion session, so bring your questions and we’ll do our best to answer them.

Chicago Market will be hosting our annual Board Elections late this summer, so now’s the time to start thinking about whether you’d like to run!

RSVP and we'll send you Zoom login info the day of the event. 

If you're not an Owner but would like to join this session, you're more than welcome, but note that our Bylaws require Board members be Chicago Market Owners, so you'd need to become an Owner prior to running. 


May 21, 2020 at 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Mark Dawson Donna Curtin Pamela Martinez Joseph Fedorko Daniel Kolen Lynn Garcia Kathryn Lake Matt Rosfelder George Murray Reuven Solomon Brandi Gail Yamel Salazar Nikolas Hove Kelly Duke Nolan Mims Benji Corpuz Bob Joynt Lucero Martinez-Donato Douglas Trapasso julia cottle Lee Herman Matthew Ruffi Kate Grimm Sarah Griffis Dana McKinney Howie Bollinger Angela Bowman Lane Imberman Erika Green Pen Howell Elliot Massuda Laura Sova Grant Kessler Cass McAndover Annette Bellezzo Jeffrey Marinacci James Gignac

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