4 Business Owners Share 14 Reasons to Become an Owner of Chicago Market
The mixer at My Buddy’s was a blast! Best yet, 10 new Chicago Market Owners came on board that night as a result of hobnobbing with a bunch of buddies from the Co-op!
It happened on July 19, when about 75 Chicagoans showed up at My Buddy’s, a relatively new neighborhood “social grub and pub hub” in Uptown to learn more about what it means to be an Owner of Chicago Market.
Read moreWhy Does Chicago Market Love My Buddy’s? Let Us Count the Ways!
Last night's My Buddy's Mixer -- to spread the word about why it's time to become an Owner of Chicago Market -- was a walloping success thanks in large part to proprietor Brian BonDurant (and uber-volunteer and Owner #523, Hillary Stifler!).
So...why do we love My Buddy's? Let us count the ways...
Read moreAnnouncing Board Elections
Co-ops are democratically run organizations and one of the primary ways Chicago Market honors that is with Board elections each year. We're proud to announce the details and process.
Serving on the Chicago Market Board is a meaningful, fun and collaborative experience that will help build Chicago's next co-op grocery store!
The Board of Directors is elected by Chicago Market’s 1,200+ Owners to represent the best interests of the Owners and to govern the organization. The Board is comprised of dedicated individuals who bring a diverse skillset and background to Chicago Market.
Chicago Market June 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
Lakeview Pantry
Present: Dana, Ankit, Dan, Sara, Edward, Anthony, Lee, Grant, Linn, and guest Steve
Notes: Emily
May 2018 Newsletter
Chicago Market Newsletter - May 2018
Our Future Home...and the Next Steps

Hey Chicago Market Fans! GUESS WHAT? We now have a site to build our co-op grocery store!
Chicago Market has entered into a lease with the Chicago Transit Authority to build out the exquisite Gerber Building at the Wilson 'L' Station at Broadway and Wilson. Read all about our fabulous future location and other fun tidbits here.
Speaking of the future...here’s what’s next!
1. Priority #1 is to grow our Chicago Market community of Owners from our current 1,142 to 2,000 by the end of 2018. If you’re ready to become an Owner, join us today! All you current Owners, please share this newsletter with your like-minded friends and associates and encourage them to join you.
2. Also underway are efforts to secure the funds necessary to pay the designers and construction professionals to build our grocery store. Owners have an important role to play in this endeavor – become an Owner and we'll tell you all about Owner Loan Campaign Info Sessions.
3. When we meet our goals in #1 and #2, we can start to build our big, bright, beautiful Co-op in early 2019.
Check out the infographic that details every step along the way.
Let’s go… Grow. Fund. Build.
Answers to Your Questions

Why Become an OWNER of Chicago Market? - a testimonial from Annette Mambuca, Owner #148
Ten Giant Steps to Get to Opening Day of Chicago Market – Your Community Co-op - interview with Dan Miller, head of our Site/Architecture team
Ownership Info Sessions

Volunteer Opportunities
- This Sunday, May 20 join Chicago Market Board Members Dana and Sunny to help kids with coloring and answer parents' questions about Chicago Market. Come for all or part of the event: 10 am - 3 pm at Superheroes Assemble at Chase Park, 4701 North Ashland. Sign up here.
- Help us spread the word about Chicago Market - pass out flyers at the Wilson CTA station! Sign up here.
- Put Chicago Market on display - deliver yard signs to Chicago Market Owners. Sign up by email here.
- Spread the word about Chicago Market to your friends and neighbors by hosting a house party! We will help make it as easy as possible. Contact Kelly for more information.
- House Party Team Lead - Coordinate and help Owners who are interested in hosting a house party! Contact Lee for more information.
June 2018 Newsletter
Chicago Market Newsletter - June 2018
Unlocking Gerber

- We’ve re-keyed the Gerber Building locks and now have access to the building
- The first portion of our security deposit for Chicago Market's new home, the historical Gerber Building, is paid
- We've hosted three successful Ownership Info Sessions which led to lots of new Chicago Market Owners
- Our Site/Architecture team is busy finalizing and presenting proposals for scope of work to the Chicago Market Board for our preferred architect and store designer
- Our marketing team is crafting an Owner Growth Implementation Plan to ensure our funding goal of 2,000 Owners by the end of 2018 and it's nearly complete
Calling all candidates for the Chicago Market Board!
Here's a super-easy way to support Chicago Market!
Owner Loan Campaign
Stick it! (A Yard Sign, that is!)

Here's the s(coop) from our blog
Good question (and we get it a lot). Here's a hint: We’re both partners in the same work and are proud to be working together to connect people with their farmers and food. Read more.
If We Fund It, It Will Come: Why Building Our Co-op Will Take A Village
How much money do you think we will need to fund the design, construction, store-build-out, purchase of equipment, shelving and refrigeration units (and the food to stock them), employee training, publicity…and all the rest that goes into owning and operating a 13,239-square-foot grocery store? Go ahead – take a guess. Then read our blog post to see how close you came!
Owner Loans Key to Co-op Success
The Chicago Market Owner Loan Campaign (OLC) is an opportunity for Chicago Market Owners to invest their own hard-earned capital in our mission-driven and cooperatively owned and run grocery store. Participate in values-based investing and live out your commitment to the principles that compelled Chicago Market Owners to join in the first place! Learn more!
Ten Giant Steps to Get to Opening Day of Chicago Market
Chicago Market Board member and Site/Architecture Team Leader Dan Miller (Owner #485) breaks down the ten necessary steps in the design, architecture, construction and getting-operational process of Chicago Market's new home in the historic Gerber Building. Read on to learn how we're bringing the Gerber proposal to life.
Upcoming events
House parties
Then why not host a house party and invite your like-minded friends to learn more about our Co-op?

What? You say, all your friends are already Owners? Okay, then what about hosting a party or gathering with folks from your church, mosque or synagogue, or gathering together folks from work, or your gym, or your knitting club, your block club, or your homeowner's association? You get your peeps together, provide a space and some refreshments, and we'll provide a tool kit that gives you everything you need to make your party successful and easy to execute.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Marketing
- Fundraising
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Volunteer Coordinator Assistants
- Social Media Ambassador - Facebook
- Social Media Ambassador - Twitter
- Social Media Ambassador - Instagram
- Social Media Ambassador - LinkedIn
- Social Media Manager
- Event Planning Leads
- House Party Lead
- Data Entry and Projects
- Website
One ‘Big, Bright, Beautiful’ Co-op Coming Your Way (FUNDING REQUIRED!)
The “vanilla box” (architecture-speak for an empty shell) that is the outwardly restored Gerber Building now belongs to our current 1,160 Chicago Market Owners.
It’s wildly exciting, right?
Chicago Market May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
Lakeview Pantry
Present: Emily, Jen, Grant, Lee, Dan, Greg, Dana, Anthony, Sofia
Why do we need Chicago Market when we already have farmers markets?
Why do we need Chicago Market when we already have farmers markets?
Good question (and we get it a lot) so we thought we would answer it.
Spring asparagus from Mick Klug farm at Green City Market - photo by Malcolm Haar.
Read moreOwner Loans Key to Co-op Success
“Show me the money!”
Even if you are too young to have seen the film “Jerry Maguire” when it was released in 1996, you’ve likely heard the line above – the movie’s most famous quote.
In the scene, the football-player character Rod Tidwell, played by Cuba Gooding, exhorts his agent, played by Tom Cruise, to get him as big a contract as possible. It’s a classic scene – even if a bit over the top. The backstory, according to director Cameron Crowe, is that the Tidwell character isn’t motivated by greedy impulses, he is simply trying to secure his family’s financial future before his football career ends.
Right about now Chicago Market finds itself in a similar spot, you might say.
Read more