2022 Chicago Market Board of Directors Candidate Statement
Candidates for the Board of Directors are asked a series of questions to help the Owners of Chicago Market make an informed decision. Here is the response from our candidate this year:
Read moreWhere Does Your Food Come From?
This post originally ran in Macaroni Kid.
Chances are you’ve shopped at a farmers market and maybe even have a regular one in your neighborhood that you visit every week. In addition to offering access to fresh produce and locally prepared foods, farmers markets are also great opportunities to help kids learn about food and food values.
Read moreBylaw Amendment Proposal — 2022
During this year’s Annual Meeting, in addition to the traditional vote for Board member candidates you see each year, we have an additional item which are the following proposed Bylaw amendments. These proposed amendments were made after months of deliberation, review, revisions, etc. and were unanimously approved by your Board to be brought forward to the Owners for a vote. To that end, we strongly encourage a yes vote for the adoption of all amendments.
Becovic's Uptown Story
The Uptown Farmers Market wouldn’t be possible without our awesome sponsors. And we're proud to tell you a little bit more about Becovic. Located in Uptown, Becovic is sponsoring the Uptown Farmers Market because they believe it is a way for the community to gather while sustaining our local makers and growers and supporting our Co-op.
Read moreFirst On-Site Physical Work at Chicago Market
As we continue to celebrate Chicago Market’s exciting funding news, we have another key milestone to share in the development of our store—the first on-site physical work to prepare the inside of our building for construction!
Our lease with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) includes the basement portion of our location at Wilson and Broadway. The Co-op's store design plans call for transforming that lower level into storage space, restrooms, offices, and conference rooms (click here for pdf of the basement plan).
[Photo of a worker wearing an air filtration mask giving a thumbs up sign]
Read moreChicago-Area Food Co-ops Screening The Co-op Wars Documentary
We here at Chicago Market are partnering up with other area food co-ops to host a virtual screening of the documentary film The Co-op Wars!
2021 Chicago Market Board of Directors Candidate Statements
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All the candidates for the Board of Directors were asked a series of questions to help the Owners of Chicago Market make an informed decision. Here are their responses:
The Community Force is Strong With This One
While the Uptown Farmers Market has been connecting amazing local farmers and producers with customers every Wednesday since May, we here at the Chicago Market Events Team were proud to add an artistic and literary vibe to our space this month!
As we continue working toward opening the full-service grocery store that will ultimately fill the building, we are happy to join with community partners and host events like Aug. 8th's Uptown Art Fair and Aug. 15th's Pop-Up Book Sale.
Read moreChicago Market Hosts Peterson Garden Project's 2021 Plant Sale
We at Chicago Market were proud to host Peterson Garden Project's Ninth Annual Edible Plant Sale this past weekend! In addition to the hundreds of people that came through our location at Wilson & Broadway to purchase organic seedlings, we were able to welcome an awesome 10 new Chicago Market Owners who signed up in support of building a locally-focused, sustainably-minded, and community-connected grocery store in our space!
Urban Landscaping 101 with City Grange's Bridget Walsh
Bridget Walsh of City Grange joined us yesterday for an online workshop all about urban gardens and landscaping. She shared what we need to know to assess our sites and how to select the perfect plants, incorporate native and pollinator plants, and more for our upcoming projects!