
Why Does Chicago Market Love My Buddy’s? Let Us Count the Ways!

Last night's My Buddy's Mixer -- to spread the word about why it's time to become an Owner of Chicago Market -- was a walloping success thanks in large part to proprietor Brian BonDurant (and uber-volunteer and Owner #523, Hillary Stifler!).

So...why do we love My Buddy's? Let us count the ways...

Here are just some of the reasons why!

1. My Buddy’s co-owners Brian BonDurant and Ryan McGady became Chicago Market Owner #1230 at last night's My Buddy’s Mixer!

2. The event resulted in 10 Chicagoans becoming new Owners of Chicago Market! Ya-hoo!

3. Brian grew up in a small town in northern Wisconsin and, as a kid, was steeped in the tea of “communes and co-ops”, so he was a natural supporter of Chicago Market. He was immediately on board when Chicago Market Owner #523 and volunteer Hillary
Stifler asked if they’d be willing to host an event for Chicago Market.

4. My Buddy’s donated a $25 gift certificate to the Raffle.

5. Every single attendee at the My Buddy’s Mixer received a $10 gift certificate for an upcoming visit and a “My Buddy's/Chicago Market” card good for 15% off every visit to My Buddy’s!

6. My Buddy’s wait staff and bartenders were super-enthusiastic and delightful!

7. Brian’s chef created two special salmon noshes – a jalapeno-dill cucumber “sushi” roll and salmon tacos – using fresh salmon donated by Sitka Salmon Shares.

8. Brian contributed $20 for 4 Chicago Market yard signs for people to stick in their front yards or community garden plots.

Thanks, My Buddy's!

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