
Green Beauty Cocktail Hour with Chicago Market


February is Health & Wellness month at Chicago Market when we'll be hosting a series of events focusing on a different aspect of health and wellness, starting with beauty. Just in time for Valentine's Day, join Chicago Market at Lena Rose Natural Beauty for a  night of green beauty featuring mini manicures, chair massage therapists, bites, drinks, and giveaways. Lena Rose is a natural beauty boutique and organic spa in Ravenswood Manor that features a wide range of vegan, non-toxic, and organic products from local artisans, and donates 20% of profits to local charities every month.

Chicago Market Owners get a 10% discount on products purchased and services booked at the event. Not an Owner? Become an Owner at the event and you will automatically be entered in a drawing for a "Local Love" package featuring locally-made beauty products!

The event is free, but RSVPs are required. See you soon!

February 09, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Lena Rose Natural Beauty
4668 Manor
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Google map and directions
Regan Frost Mary Beth Schaye Annette Mambuca Kolleen Blume Carisa Deegan Sonia Mantell Lauren Golanty Latricia Robinson Maria Rasche Jessica Starr Sofia Jouravel Hillary Stifler Jen Vest

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