
The Firebrand Feasibility Report

We are excited to share that the Firebrand Report shows an extremely viable business plan for our grocery store at the Gerber building!

This does assume a few final responses from the CTA - we hope to have those soon. 

As promised at our Annual Meeting, we are sharing the Firebrand Report with you, and we have it in three forms, which are all posted here:

    The full report with minimal redactions. We need to safeguard our Co-op's competitive advantage and also reserve CTA negotiation points as those negotiations are ongoing. 

    A short written summary (1 1/2 pages) - the full report is a lengthy read!

    A video summary (9 min) - edited from our Annual Meeting presentation. Watch below.

Please choose one that fits your time and preferred way to learn and get caught up on this important news about your Co-op. 

And also remember - Firebrand was tasked with proving (or disproving) the operational and financial feasibility of our store at the Gerber location. They show it works. That it will be a very high-volume, successful store, and that it will be financially successful. 


But they also challenge us to raise the needed funds. If we want our Co-op to open, we all need to rally around this clear plan from Firebrand and raise funds and recruit a lot of new Owners. Once the Board has final responses from the CTA, we will weigh the operational and financial plan Firebrand presents us, along with our fundraising viability and take a final vote about whether to remain at Gerber or not.

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