
Matthew Ruffi


My passion lies in ‘Local’ - strengthening (or building, if not already there) connections between the local providers and our community is something that I believe benefits all parties involved. Not only does it elevate your knowledge and understanding of the products you are buying and consuming, but it also creates unique relationships which you don't get when purchasing at your typical grocery store. When living abroad I got to experience that level of connection first-hand in my day to day shops - not just once every so often at a farmers market - and I believe Chicago Market can help make that more of a reality for our community here in Uptown!

I bring 22+ years of business experience to the table and believe I can help to take this from concept to reality - representing the owner base on the board of directors in getting Chicago Market open!

Head of Link Up Illinois (bringing Link Match to all of Illinois) | Food Access advocate | Chicago Market Owner, Volunteer, and Board member | Co-op supporter | Made in Detroit, Living in Chicago

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