
Board Meeting Minutes for 9/28/16

Chicago Market Board Meeting
7 p.m. 9/28/16 at Cafe Chien
Present: Grant, Anthony, Heather, Emily, Karen, Lizzy, Mike, Dan, Kelly, Bill, Jen, Tony, Mark
Guests: Greg and Jeannie Radek (Owner)
Absent: Linn and Larry

Grant: Welcome to our new Board members: Lizzy, Bill and Larry.
And three cheers for our wonderful pop-up market Saturday. 600 people RSVP'd and around 250 people attended. We got three new Owners at the event and then two new Owners the next day.
Our next pop-up is Nov. 19 and our focus remains on getting new Owners. We're hosting an info session this Saturday.

Grant: Here are some Basecamp tips for all, especially the new Board members. We've gotten away from using to-dos. Make to-dos for others, make them from meeting notes. If you're going on vacation, find a buddy who can fill you in on what has happened while you were gone.
Lead your BC posts with who you'd like to respond to them. Also, you can search for your own name in the tool bar. And, you can choose who should get email notifications. 

Dan: Where can we find our design standards? Wanted to make letterhead but it's hard to find.

Grant: Everything will be easier to find in Basecamp 3. 

Karen: I'm working on the guidelines for the transition to Basecamp 3. 

Tony: Presented our new Board agreement. Now that we already have Bylaws, the document reflects a higher-level acknowledgment of our Board duties. Everyone signed the new document and turned it in.

Mike: We need to have Board officer elections for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Karen: I nominate Grant for President. 
Emily says she would like to remain vice president as it makes it easier to secure event spaces.
Karen nominated Heather for Secretary.
Bill expressed interest in being Treasurer.
Mike moved to elect Grant, Emily, Bill and Heather to these roles.
All in favor. Motion carries. They will serve in these positions for one year.

Grant discussed the Leadership Team proposal. The Board has not had an executive team and we've been discussing the need for higher-level leadership. The leadership team will make its own rules and guidelines for how it operates in order to deliver on its charter, and will report back to the Board. 

Lizzy: Can we take the line out in the proposal about "cracking the whip" and change it to "hold others accountable?"

Grant: Yes. I move we adopt this proposal. Karen seconded. All agreed.

Grant will be the leadership team liaison and there will be representatives from other mission-critical teams. 

Mike: One third of the Board will cycle over every year. We need to decide who will be up for reelection next year and who will be up in 2018. Tony is leaving the Board and his slot will be up next year.
So, we will draw randomly to decide who will be up for reelection next year.
Lizzy draws names: Dan, Anthony Heather and Mark will be up for reelection next year.

Karen: Can those people run again?
Mike: Yes they can run again.
Anthony: What if someone resigns between now and the next election?
Mike: Now that we've selected names, any appointees would fill out the remainder of each given Board member's term. 
Grant: Now, we'll be able to say how long a term is in each election.

The Board adjourned and went into Executive Session to discuss finance and personnel matters. 

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