
Chicago Market Board Meeting Minutes - September 27, 2017

Present: Grant, Sunny, Greg, Dana, Bill, Lee, Jen, Emily, Dan, Linn, Sara, Yani

Guests: Edward
Minutes: Sunny

Start time: 7:09pm

Monthly Financial Report - Bill
  • $89,212 in bank as of 09/26/17
  • reiterating: we have owner equity but have no income, save for a small transaction fees on owner payment installation plans (a new feature)
  • our monthly expenses incurred were standard (e.g. basecamp, marketing, etc.)
  • get board approval on cash flow analysis as posted on basecamp

Board Orientation/Direction - Grant
  • Accountability on basecamp discussions
    • if you start a discussion, take ownership and close it out - summarize the discussion and make due-outs for others
      • state a deadline if applicable
    • feel free to tag or turn notifications on for specific people if appropriate
    • remember an URGENT project exists for such board discussions

GM Search Team - Dana
  • We need to find a consultant to help with GM search
  • Melanie Reid as potential candidate
    • Lee, Edward, and Dana conference called with her - generally very positive impressions: excited about CM and to work with us, very flexible to adjust to our needs
    • $135/hr - no minimum or maximum (unless we set it) requirement - bills monthly
    • won't do the work of finding the GM but will advise us in each stage of search
    • has glowing recommendations from others we've spoken to
    • Melanie is extremely connected in the food co-op world - part of the CDS, was previously a GM, and her husband, Stuart, founded the Food Co-op Initiative
    • side note: Melanie mentioned CM is well known and is an exciting, anticipated project - does not believe a lack of candidates will be an issue
  • General discussion as to whether we should 
    • 1) try the GM search on our own completely after research, 
      • cheapest route, food co-op community is built to share information that will help us 
    • 2) do GM search on our own with a consultant,
      • affordable but gives us expertise and reassurance to work with someone experienced
    • 3) pay a recruiting/headhunting company to do the search for us
      • not currently in the budget, could cost 25-35% of GM salary, not sure if many recruiting companies exist with experience in food co-op searches rather than just grocery searches (Grant says some are emerging)
  • Dana moves to approve commencement of work with Melanie Reid as consultant to GM search (and potentially other stages of CM development if appropriate)
    • Ayes - 12
    • No - 0
    • Not Present - 3
Potential Bylaws Issue - Emily
  • some bylaws requirements may be dormant, may need to re-address
    • a standing personnel committee
    • audit committee
    • finance committee
  • we need to make sure the job description and CM board processes align with existing bylaws or otherwise move to amend them

Board Projects/Committees - Grant
  • Overview of all existing committees and their work
  • New board members - plug yourselves in where you can/want to contribute, especially in newly needed projects!
    • in particular, we need to get going on a Project Manager search and OLC
    • potential new projects? in-store partnership, culture and diversity training, and re-shaping ownership structure
  • MORE - Jen - Pop-Up Market on 10/7 at Swedish Museum in Andersonville - please volunteer!
Public session ends at 8:39pm

Executive Session
Meeting end time: 9:25pm

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