
Chicago Market Board Meeting Minutes for May 24, 2017

7 p.m., May 24.

Karen's house
Present: Dan, Bill, Heather, Kelly, Jen, Karen, Grant, Emily, Greg, Larry
Guests: Hanh, Lee, Carolyn, Edward
Notes: Heather

Grant: Kudos to everyone for the two terrific community meetings. We should be proud. Our petition is over 1,900 and we want to get it to 3,000. Share it on FB and email it to friends. Add it to your email signature. Our Owner number is at 930, and our new marketing video is amazing. 
Thanks to Greg, Dan, Bill and Mike for their work on the narrative for the RFP. Shout out to Sofia for gathering letters of support.

Karen: Shoutout to Hillary for being everywhere and being amazing.

Bill: Presented the financial report. Things are moving in a positive direction in terms of cash flow and cash on hand. We've had lots of new Owners. We'll have some expenses coming up -- buying new bags, Basecamp fees and Quickbooks fees. I'm happy with how everyone is consulting me before spending money. People are getting more than one bid for things; we're shopping better now. 

Grant: On the Wilson timeline, deadlines are coming up. 
Dan: Final drawings are coming in. The final proposal is due internally May 29.
Greg: A third draft is coming. We'll need the Board to review it over just a couple of days for a final polish. Grant will design it as a PDF and Greg will submit it. The Owner Insider will go out June 12, with a wrapup of the RFP process. 

Hanh: When will we hear back on the RFP?
Greg: No guesses

Greg: We discussed whether we should do a mini Owner Loan Campaign before we started the RFP. We agreed it was a good idea. 

Kelly: What's the timeline on the OLC?
Greg: That's part of the Leadership Team's big timeline project. We're just tabling the OLC discussion for the next couple of weeks.
Larry: Maybe we should send our top OLC prospects a note now, just to make them aware.
Greg: We're trying to mention it in the Owner Insider, it's part of the long-term strategy.

Grant: Timeline discussion. The Leadership Team has begun building a draft timeline, with the estimate of 10/1/17 as the lease-signing date. 
Grant: We're looking to hire a GM search consultant. On June 11, we need to kick into gear. The OLC needs to prep in June and July. 
Greg: I'll lead the OLC team. Tony and design will polish the materials. The Leadership Team will lay this out. Election prep will be in June and Emily will be in charge.
July 20 is the annual meeting, at the Ravenswood Events Center from 6-8 p.m. We'll have six open Board seats, with up to three incumbents. We'll ask Tony and Malcolm if they want to talk to people who've expressed interest in running. Jen volunteered to do that if they cannot. Emily will own the election and will collect candidate statements. Mike created a Google Form last year. Karen will point Emily to that form. 
Grant is writing the annual report. Emily needs to create a deadline by which all candidates need to apply. 

Karen: I feel like we've had this explosion of making connections in Uptown. There's an opportunity to reach out to those organizations and say we're looking for people for our Board.
Grant: I'll email our connections.
Jen: We need to tell Owners they can run. That needs to start appearing. 
Karen: We can put that in the June 12 Owner insider. 

Grant: Policy governance is a living document. We want it to be 80-90 percent there before we hire a general manager.
Greg: We have to go through a process to create it. 

Hanh: What's the plan for the layout? What's the process?
Dan: Once we get selected by the CTA, we'll dig into that quickly. We'll do floor plans in earnest and will bring it to the Board for approval.
Lee: Zero waste is a big consideration. 
Grant: The Board revised its mission and vision. Zero waste is in our values. We call out sustainability, but not specifically zero waste.
Lee: Formalizing that as part of our stated mission should be a goal.
Emily: There's a volunteer who is starting a zero waste organization. We have Owners who are interested in it. They could start a committee and make a presentation to the Board. Hanh will work on this task force. We will connect the volunteers with Linn to make this happen. 

Grant adjourned the regular meeting and the Board went into executive session to discuss funding. 

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