
Chicago Market Has Open Seats On The Board of Directors

Chicago Market's Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers. That means that, occasionally, other obligations get in the way of Chicago Market, and individuals need to step down from the Board before the end of their term. It is with gratitude (and a little sadness) that we acknowledge the departure of Board Members Mark Ahlheim and Lizzy Appleby.  

Both Lizzy and Mark have done great work for Chicago Market. Mark worked primarily on our Site Selection team, helping them visit and evaluate sites and working with our expert consultants to pick the right location for Chicago Market. Lizzy worked primarily on our Marketing and Owner Engagement teams, and was dedicated particularly to volunteer training. They will be missed, and their contributions are greatly appreciated. 

While Chicago Market's Board can function with 13 members, we would like to appoint one person to join our Board to serve out the remainder of one of these Board member's terms. If you are interested in serving on our Board of Directors, please email [email protected] to learn more. 

The remaining seat will be open for election in late summer during our yearly election process.  The seat is open to any Owner of Chicago Market.  Please consider running, and if you are, we'd recommend you begin by attending Board meetings, talking with Board Members about what it entails, and volunteering in some capacity.  Email [email protected] for more information.  

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