
Chicago Market Owner Profiles: Meet Karen!


Chicago Market's new Owner Profiles invite co-op Owners to answer a few fun questions about themselves, so we can virtually 'meet' and build community with each other. 

Owner #43 Karen Jacobs says that for her, #foodalwayswins. Read what else she has to say, here.

Click on the blue OWNER PROFILES tag at the bottom of this page for more Profiles. And then fill out your own profile, so we can meet you, too! 



Introduce yourself and tell us about who else shares your fridge.  Karen Jacobs. I share my fridge with my husband Andy, our dog Rosie and (when they're in town...) my kids Ben & Katie.

Why are you a Chicago Market Owner?  Because I'm passionate about food, community, sustainability and Chicago. I feel like I *should* maybe put those other factors ahead of "food" but being honest: #foodalwayswins

What type of work do you do -- or what else are you devoting time to?  I had a long rewarding career in the advertising biz, both on the media planning/buying side and in executive management. After a couple of cycles of retiring/returning, I've decided that chapter of my life is closed. Now I spend my time with family & friends & hobbies (gardening, travelling, reading...and I'm a serial crafter). Last year I facilitated an after-school program at a CPS school in Logan Square. And for the past couple years, I've been deeply involved with Chicago Market as a Board member. I'll continue to be active as a volunteer for as long as it takes to open our store doors!

Is there something new you'd like to learn or pursue, now or someday?   So much!!! Here's a few things off the top of my head: how to be a better gardener; how to work our gas grill; how to code and create websites; how to two-step, how to throw a pot, how to do mosaics; how to kayak; how to work a 'real' camera; how to speak a few more languages; how to best make this city and country and world the best possible place before I leave it to my kids and the next generation (and that's the short list).

What's your one 'wish come true' that you'd love to see from Chicago Market?  A vibrant program of community education and engagement around food and sustainability, with Chicago Market as its beating heart-center, and with our energy flowing through lots and lots of other people and groups aligned with our values. 

What else is really important to you?  

* Learning new things, all the time.

* Travel.

* Music.

* Did I mention food?


Three words that best describe you?  Just say YES.

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