
City Grange Giveback Day

Our friends at City Grange are hosting a Giveback Day on July 17th to support Chicago Market! Stop by the City Grange gardening center at 5500 N. Western between 10am and 6pm and mention Chicago Market at check-out. City Grange will contribute 10% of proceeds from your purchase to support our efforts to build a locally-focused, sustainability-minded, and community-connected grocery store!

We'll also have a Chicago Market info table at the Giveback Day where you can learn more about becoming an Owner of the co-op or just get an update on what we're up to. Come see us on July 17th and pick up some amazing gardening products!

It's not necessary to RSVP for this event, but if you do so below we'll send you a friendly reminder the day before :)

July 17, 2021 at 10:00am - 6pm
City Grange
5500 N Western Ave
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Matthew Ruffi Cass McAndover James Gignac

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