
Defining Board-level Discussions

The types of topics that warrant Board-level discussion:
Chicago Market values decentralized authority and prefers that Teams see themselves as the most knowledgeable in their area and so most qualified to make all operational and most tactical decisions. Strategic decisions that impact or bear directly on the success of CM delivering on our Mission + Vision are the types of decisions the Board weighs in on. Even then, it is the Board’s preference that a given Team has spent time on the topic [per steps below] and developed a deliberately produced recommendation so that the Board has that Team’s input and research to respond to. 
Steps toward presenting content for Board Agenda:

1. Team has internally workshopped a topic - this includes (where relevant) having researched other co-op or competitor experience, having thought through pros/cons and likely questions to be asked.

2. Team has consulted all other necessary teams.

3. Team has read the above and feels the topic meets the requirements for Board-level discussion.

4. Team is in agreement and Liaison is ready to present a unified topic to the Board via the BC Board Project or via in-person meeting. Then: 

 5. If communication needs can be accomplished via BC, Team's Liaison brings a distilled, consensus recommendation or a firmly-led discussion with a clear decision request to the Board Project, following the procedure set out in the Bylaws.

6. Whereas, if Team feels that in-person presentation and discussion is vital, then Team's Liaison brings a distilled, consensus recommendation or a firmly-led discussion with a clear decision request to the Board. 

7. Or: having done all the above, Team is at an impasse and sees no other way toward resolution besides full, in-person Board discussion.

8. The request for meeting time is communicated to the Board President in advance of Agenda submission deadline; include topic, reasoning, person leading discussion, time requested AND any critical/relevant documents for discussion (submitted with enough time for Board members to review them prior to meeting).

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For reference, the Board Working Agreement states:

IV. Decision-Making 

1. All decisions to be made by Directors shall be classified as strategic, tactical, or operational. 

a. Strategic decisions are long-term in their impact and can affect and shape the direction and success of Chicago Market. Strategic decisions must be made by the Board in accordance with this Agreement. 

b. Tactical decisions are those which help to implement Chicago Market’s strategy. Once a strategic decision has been made, decisions about how to implement are tactical. Tactical decisions may be made by the Board or Committee leaders with authority delegated by the Board in accordance with this Agreement. Tactical decision-making may sometimes require a vote by the Board. 

c. Operational decisions relate to the day-to-day operations of Chicago Market business. These decisions are usually routine and may be made by Committee leaders with authority by the Board in accordance with this Agreement. Operational decision-making will rarely require a vote by the Board. 

2. Any decision proposed by a Director shall be articulated in a clear and concrete statement. It is the responsibility of the proposing Director to classify decisions as strategic, tactical or operational in accordance with this Section. 

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