
Family Farm Tour and Hayride


Join other Chicago Market families and visit Angelic Organics Farm for a day of fun farm activities. You and your kids will experience a taste of farm life. We'll feed goats and pigs, give water to horses, and pick pumpkins. We'll even get a hayride tour of the farm.

The farm's a great place for a picnic, so bring a sack lunch. This is an all-ages events (toddlers welcome — kids under 3 are free). The event will happen rain or shine (farm life doesn't stop for the rain). If you can't stay the whole time, that's ok, but please plan to join us at the beginning of the event so we can all start out together.

Angelic Organics is approximately a 1.5 hour drive from Chicago - please account for transportation time and traffic when you plan your journey!

Please RSVP by September 10th.

September 13, 2014 at 10:00am - 3pm
Angelic Organics Farm
1547 Rockton Rd
Caledonia, IL 61011
United States
Google map and directions

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