
Founding Owner

In order for 100% of your $250 Owner equity to go to Chicago Market, $10 is being added to cover administrative costs.

  • Amount 1
  • Info 2
  • Agree 3
  • Payment 4

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1 Ownership Share for $250 (Founding Owner) plus $10 processing fee - $260.00 total.

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Owner Agreement

For the purpose of facilitating access to consumer goods by providing necessary funds for Chicago Market’s proposed retail grocery store, and to acquire an ownership interest in Chicago Market, I hereby purchase an ownership interest for $250.00.
The ownership interest hereby purchased is intended to confer the right to purchase consumer goods and services at owner prices and to participate in the governance of Chicago Market in accordance with its bylaws. The ownership interest hereby will entitle the holder to no dividends or other monetary return, will be nontransferable except to Chicago Market, will be redeemable only in limited circumstances in accordance with the bylaws of Chicago Market, and will be subject to other terms and conditions in Chicago Market’s bylaws.
All payments toward ownership interest in Chicago Market agreed to be completed in less than one year confer all privileges and responsibilities of ownership. Ownership privileges may be revoked if a scheduled payment is not received as agreed.
The funds remitted hereby are intended to be used to fund the development of Chicago Market, including the securing of additional financing to Chicago Market. All such funds are subject to the risks inherent in any start-up enterprise of this character and may result in the loss of part or all of such funds. Persons who cannot afford to incur such losses should not purchase ownership interests in Chicago Market.
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Payments are not tax deductible.

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