
Growing Owners, one by one


Photo © Chad Leverenz

This week has been an exciting one here at team Chicago Market. 

We're all realizing something very exciting:

Once people hear about our vision of a local, sustainable, cooperatively run grocery store, they're hooked.

Need proof?

Chicago Market hosted two informational sessions this week. Nearly everyone who attended became an Owner on the spot (for a total of 13 new Owners).

More than that, though, these sessions generated some wonderful conversations about the Market.

We talked about our vision for the store, how we'll recruit employees, being a leader in environmental responsibility, how and when we'll seat our Board of Directors. 

No flashy Power Point presentations necessary. Just some real, honest conversation (with fresh-baked treats for sustenance) about why Chicago Market is essential to our community. And we can feel the momentum building.

We're planning more one-on-one outreach very soon. More informational sessions, house parties and informal gatherings to answer questions about the co-op. 

We hope to see you very soon.

Showing 2 reactions.

  • Heather Sennett
    Wow! That makes my day, Paula. And that’s exactly how I feel about this wonderful group! Delighted to have you join us for the ride.
  • Paula Getman
    We became owners “on the spot”. Well, actually, we’d been checking out this site and watching some momentum start to build. The vision and energy that the steering committee brings is infectious. All asked questions were answered and there was lively discussion. Everyone who attended the information session was someone that I could envision as part of a community that I would want to belong to – and we’re not usually a “joiners” – but we did! The opportunity to belong to this co-op in the start-up phase is unique.

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