
Hazzard Free Grains

Andrea Hazzard in a Field


Thank You for everyone who ordered!  Stay tuned to Chicago Market newsletters and social media pages for more offerings in the near future!


Hazzard Free Grain Sampler


A sampler of grains curated by Andy Hazzard herself which includes:

* Soft Red Winter Wheat Traditional Grind (3 lb 12 oz) - Our all-purpose flour.
* Rolled Oats (2 lb 11 oz) - Raw rolled oats - freshly rolled and delicious!
* Fine Cornmeal (13 oz) - From golden heirloom corn in a classic sift for use in all your cornmeal based recipes.
* Coarse Cornmeal (13 oz) - For fine polenta or grits. Made from heirloom corn stone ground and sifted to perfection.
* Popcorn (16 oz) - Traditional yellow popcorn lovingly grown and harvested.
* Whole Grain Medley (16 oz) - Mix of heirloom wheat, oats and purple barley.

(scroll to the bottom of the page to place your order - orders must be in by 9pm on Oct. 2nd)


Partner Sampler


A taste of things to come hand-picked by Andy from her trusted local farmer friends which includes:

* Gretta’s Goat Caramels (4 oz)
* Pecatonica River Honey (16 oz)
* Wind Ridge Farm Lemon Ginger Tea (12 servings)
* Hazzard Free Farm Cornbread Mix (makes an 8x8 pan or 8" to 9" skillet))

(scroll to the bottom of the page to place your order - orders must be in by 9pm on Oct. 2nd)


All products will be available for pick-up at the Gerber Building on Saturday, October 10th. We are also going to offer delivery to as many people as we can (on a first come, first served basis) for all orders which we can accommodate in the Chicago area. We will reach out to you directly after your order to determine your preference and setup a time for pick-up or delivery.

All proceeds go directly to the farmers.




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