
Introducing Chicago Market's Voting Guide



Chicago Market Owners ... We have a gift for you.

It's your first-ever Board of Directors Voting Guide. 

Click on this link and you'll find applications of all of the 34 Owners vying for a spot on our 15-member Board. 

Among those applicants are a slate of seven Owners who are part of the co-op's current leadership. If you vote to approve the slate, you'll have eight votes remaining for the rest of the board.

Voting opens when Owners of record receive their ballots via e-mail this Sunday (watch for a message from [email protected]) and continues until December 20. Results will be announced shortly thereafter.

We urge you to read through this guide and take your votes seriously. This Board is crucial to the success of Chicago Market; these will be the people who will turn this food co-op dream into a reality.

If you have any questions about the election, please contact Meg Glick at [email protected].

Showing 2 reactions.

  • Heather Sennett
    I know, Jeannie! We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful applicants. The great thing is, though, we hope to engage all of them in other projects, committees, etc. So, even if they’re not on the Board, we hope they’ll still play a huge role in the birth of Chicago Market.
  • Jeannie Radek
    Voting for only 8 out of so many fabulous candidates is really tough. I wish, I could pick them all. It took me two days using process of elimination to take it down to 8, and I still hate to finalize it.

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