
Knowledge Swap Re-cap


Chicago Market is truly a vibrant, knowledgeable community.

So, as part of the co-op's Health & Wellness theme, Chicago Market hosted a Knowledge Swap earlier this month at the beautiful Women's Health Center of Swedish Covenant Hospital. The idea behind the event was two-fold: to provide an opportunity for Chicago Market Owners to share their passions with the community and to learn several new health & wellness-related skills. 

If you’ve been wanting to learn how to brew kombucha or bake sourdough bread and haven’t had the time to find a class or didn’t know where to get a starter – this was the place to be! Here’s what we learned and who we learned from:

Kombucha Brewing by Michael Iklov, Owner #55
Bread Baking by Michael Davis, Owner #843 and Benjamin Holland, Owner #870
Essential Oils by Thea Wilson, Owner #586

Bau Biology by Mark Ahlheim, Owner #172

Workplace Yoga by Kate Yoshida, Owner #695

Michael taught us that in order to brew kombucha, tea, sugar, water, a scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria & yeast), and a couple of days are all you need for this probiotic-rich beverage.
Benjamin and Michael brought their grain mill and demystified the process of baking sourdough, with a sensory experience allowing participants to touch freshly ground wheat, smell sourdough starter, and of course, taste the finished product. 
Thea provided a primer on the power of aroma and introduced us to incorporating essential oils into our medicine cabinet. 

Mark defined bau biology (German for building biology, which is the field of building science investigating the indoor living environment for a variety of irritants). Shocking fact: Only a few hundred of the more than 80,000 chemicals in use in the United States have been tested for safety.
For the active part of the day, Kate demonstrated a series of easy-to-remember yoga moves that are conducive to the workplace. One such move was chair pigeon, which is great for stretching the outer thigh. 
Our enthusiastic participants walked away with new ideas and new cultures for their countertops! If you did not get to attend and are curious about any of the above topics, shoot us a reply and we’ll connect you with our community gurus.

As the culminating event of Health & Wellness Month, new Owners were entered into a raffle for a few exciting prizes from our health & wellness partners. Owner #880, Barbara, won an Intro to Green Beauty package from Lena Rose Natural Beauty. Owner #885, Phillip, won a one month unlimited membership to the Galter Life Center. Congrats to the winners and thank you for joining our community of Owners!
We are so lucky to have such a vibrant community. 

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