
November 2015 Board Minutes

Chicago Market Board Meeting Minutes from 11/18/15

At Cafe Chien, 4749 N. Spaulding
Present: Anthony, Mike, Grant, Dan, Lance, Emily, Karen, Heather, Malcolm, Mark, Tony
Guest: Greg Berlowitz

Grant called the meeting to order.

He informed the group that Liat has officially resigned. The Board now has three open seats to fill. 

The Board went into a lengthy executive session for a discussion of the Owner-Loan Campaign, led by Greg.

The Board resumed its open session.

Anthony discussed the importance of Owner growth, as reiterated by Jacqueline Hannah in previous meetings. Anthony said Marketing would begin providing everyone with monthly messaging related to growing Owners and that we should be pushing ownership growth every time we meet with the public. Our current message is that we need a total of 80 new Owners by January to fund our market study to determine the size and shape of the store. 

Jacqueline has told us we need a "goal message" and a "mission message." Anthony said his team his working on those. 

Grant encouraged the Board to read the yellow documents in Basecamp from his GLRP team that includes a grocery and facilities list as well as our definition of "local" food. 

Mike updated the group on applications for our open Board seats. Nine people have applied for the three open positions. Mike and others will interview those interested and plan to select three new Board members by our meeting next month. 

Grant adjourned the meeting. 

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