
Open House + Owner Tote Bag Pick-up

Would you love to just come walk around inside our future store? We don't blame you - it's pretty inspiring.

During our monthly SHOP pickup hours, we welcome drop-ins, whether you're an Owner or not. Check out the historic staircase; dream about where all the fresh, local produce will go; and ask our team any questions you may have. Plus, our SHOP team always has some of their items for sale on the spot.

And if you're already an Owner but haven't received your Owner tote bag yet, stop in for that and start carrying it proudly over your shoulder to tell the world YOU OWN a grocery store!

If you RSVP below we'll send you a friendly reminder, but it's not necessary. Drop in anytime between the hours of 11:00am and 3:00pm on May 16.

May 16, 2021 at 11:00am - 3pm
Chicago Market
4620 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Deanna Schaffino Romo Eric Johnson Gilaad Matar Deborah Moldover Clare Gervasi Phil Circle Jon Wink James Gignac

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