
September 2019 Newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - September 2019

Annual Owners Meeting and New Board Members

You own it so you deserve to check in on your business - that's why co-ops like Chicago Market host Annual Meetings for Owners. We hosted our 2019 Annual Meeting on August 29 at Truman College in their fantastic auditorium. (Thanks to Truman for hosting us so graciously!)

We enjoyed fresh snacks in the lobby together first (delicious plums and Sungold tomatoes from our Owner friend Pete at Seedling Fruit), then met to hear from Board members and volunteers about the activities and progress of this past fiscal year. Owner growth was fantastic - 452 households joined us this past year; our Owner Loan campaigns raised over $625,000; our Store Design team released floor plan drawings recently; and we shared news of a (new to us) funding option with Advantage Illinois which promises to help lower our debt load. 

Because we're a transparent organization,  we then opened the floor to Owners to ask questions. Our favorite was, "Can we give Ownership to someone as a gift?" The answer to that is a very emphatic "YES" and you can do it here

Voting for new Board members commenced just after our meeting and we announced the new directors yesterday: Isaac Emerson, Seth Harrop, Sarah Kircher, Bob Kunze, Sebastian Rojas and Richard Stacewicz. Thanks to all who ran and voted!

Here are a few important follow-up meeting resources for you:
Presentation - these are the slides we spoke from
Annual Report


In the News  


Upcoming Events

Help your Co-op succeed. Bring your friends out to our Ownership Info Session this Saturday, September 14, 11am at the Uptown Branch Library.


News from our Business Owners

Fall is a great time to shop the Andersonville Farmers Market for fresh, locally grown and sourced food! Visit every Wednesday from 3-7PM through October 16.

You Can Always Loan

Yes, our Owner Loan Campaign is on hiatus right now, but we still need to fill our funding gap and YOU can loan anytime! Email Sofia to get started!

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