
Update: Uptown Farmers Market Review

Launching Uptown's first farmers market last year was a pretty big initiative for us. And the Uptown Farmers Market will be back in 2022!

As we look forward to planning for the second year, the Board takes full analysis of the first season seriously. Director Kate Grimm, part of the farmers market team, presented an overview of facts and learning in a recent Board meeting.

Here are some highlights:

 52 volunteers contributed over 1,000 hours.

 We welcomed 37 vendors (many rotated) and averaged 22 vendors per market.

 We had 12 raffle winners for Chicago Market Bucks which could be spent with Market vendors.

 SNAP was a huge success — there were 423 SNAP and Link Match transactions.
    $6,841 in SNAP transactions
    $5,637 in Link Match reimbursements to farmers
          (supported by grant funding)

The Market was beneficial in numerous ways:

 It activated our space.

 It gave us an ongoing opportunity to connect with new people in the community — we welcomed over 40 new Owners at the Market.

 It gave farmers and food producers an outlet to sell and to connect with our community.

 It made healthful, local foods more readily available to the neighborhood — our application for SNAP/Link Match took time for approval. Now we'll be ready to go on the first market day so we make even greater impact. 

 And as our General Manager Dan says, it gets people accustomed to the idea that the corner of Wilson and Broadway is where you go for good food!

Thank you to the Uptown Chamber for their SSA grant in support of last year's market too. We've applied again for that assistance this year.

The Uptown Farmers Market is YOURS! Watch for a start date announcement soon and plan to get your groceries at the Uptown Farmers Market this season.

Volunteer at the Uptown Farmers Market

The Market plans to up its game this year with workshops, events, and educational programming and we need a Programming Manager to plan things, coordinate with presenters, and make it all happen. If this is a volunteer role you can fill, email Kate.

If you'd like to learn about other volunteer opportunities at the Market, email us today: [email protected].


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