
Agenda and Pre-Reading for September 30, 2020 Chicago Market Board Meeting

Vision: A better food community - local, sustainable, connected.


Location: Zoom call

 Meeting ID: 845 1235 0889
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,84512350889# US (Chicago)

Time: 7:00-8:15pm

Minutes: Lee Herman

Reference: Defining Board-level Discussions - Board

Required pre-reading:
(As part of Board members' 
Duty of Care, preparing for Board meetings means reading and understanding the pre-reading listed below in advance of each meeting.)

- Team Reports

-- Capital Campaign Team

- Board Group Agreements

- Owner Survey Response

-- Owner Survey Response Note

-- Owner Survey

-- Fundraising Feasibility Report

Zoom notes to Board Members
  • - Please turn your video on so you are visible and representing to Owners
  • - Please also click the button upper right in your video box to edit your name; edit it to read: Your Name - Board member + your pronouns, so people know who you are in the meeting

5 min
TOPIC(s): Housekeeping 
PRESENTER: President
OUTCOME: connected, inspired, ready for productive meeting
ACTION/INTENTION: clarify meeting protocols
- Zoom mechanics briefing for Owners:
  • -- We've muted all participants upon entry to minimize background noises that will allow everyone to clearly hear the current speaker; We're asking that you please use the chat tool or raise your hand in order to ask a question.
  • -- We do have an Owners Forum section planned in the meeting, so post your questions along the way and if we don't get to them in real time, we'll be sure to cover them in that section of the Agenda.
  • -- Turning your video on is not required, but in this time of disconnection, we would love to see your faces and we encourage you to use the video tool if you are able.
  • -- If you have a comment or suggestion that doesn't need discussion but you want to pass something along to us, the chat tool is great for that as well. Or, you are welcome to email the board at [email protected] with any additional thoughts or questions after this meeting.
- Welcome new Board members!
- Zoom process ideas
- record recent online vote - All Are Welcome
- Owner Growth Check-in
  • -- Owner number: 1870 (+3 since September 16, 2020)

10 min
TOPIC:  Volunteer Team orientation overview and Volunteer Request Process/Board Hours Tracking Review
OUTCOME:  Understanding of volunteer team team and processes
ACTION/INTENTION:  Discussion/buy in on hours tracking process


20 min
TOPIC:   Board "group agreement" 
OUTCOME:  finalized document
ACTION/INTENTION:  discussion/approval

10 min
TOPIC: Team Meeting Reports/Notes
OUTCOME: clarity; Board is informed across teams
ACTION/INTENTION: confirm everyone has read them; questions? follow up?

20 min
TOPIC:  Owner Survey response plan
OUTCOME: plan is outlined if not complete; next steps clear
ACTION/INTENTION: discuss Owner Survey Report to develop plan to address issues raised

10-15 min
TOPIC: Owner Forum
ACTION/INTENTION: Hear owner thoughts/concerns, answer questions.

45 min
TOPIC: Owner Loan overview

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