
Chicago Market BBQ Pop-Up Market


Come and celebrate the start of summer and get ready for the BBQ season with Chicago Market! Join us at the BBQ  Co-op Pop-Up  Market on Saturday June 10 from 2-4 pm at Truman College in Uptown. Our vendors will bring everything you will need for your BBQ party - sustainably raised meat, fresh produce, hot dog and hamburger buns,  BBQ and hot sauces and more - all aligning with our Purchasing Values.

Mint Creek Farm  - Sustainably raised meat and eggs
Laird Farms   - Responsibly raised poultry, eggs, pet treats, micro greens
Broad Shoulder BBQ -  BBQ sauce
Niloofar - Persian Trail mix
Brü Coffee Works - Seasonal single origin coffees from all over the world
Lena Rose  - Skincare, lifestyle and bath and body products for the conscious consumer
Organic Bread of Heaven - Certified organic bread, hamburger and hot dog buns 
Meliora Cleaning Products - Locally produced environmentally friendly low-packaging cleaning products
Sitka Salmon Shares - Wild-caught Alaskan seafood, vacuum sealed and blast frozen
Hidden Hive Flowers - Organically grown farm fresh flowers
Community Organizations:
EZRA Multi-Service Center - Sharing information about services and volunteering
Zero Waste Chicago -  Will show examples of durable, reusable, and plastic free alternatives to everyday products
Uptown Arts Center - Drop in Drawing
Uptown United - Uptown Neighborhood Guides, information about local businesses, Northside Wedding Guides, Uptown Proud Flags, and a raffle for some prizes!

We'll be joined at the Pop-Up by  Lakeview Pantry, one of Chicago’s largest and longest-operating food pantries. You can help others in our community (one of Chicago Market's core values) by making a donation of food or money at the Market. 

June 10, 2017 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Truman College
1145 W Wilson
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Yuko Izzo Paul Bubash Ruth Kurczewski Chelsea Niaz Lynn Gerstein Kate Ward-Mytinger Deborah Fenner Andrew Myers Patrick Chinnery Emily Moss Joseph Fedorko Nicole Brennan Lisa Wieczorek Sherri Ter Molen jean Farley brown Alleyne Hoyt Michael Gallagher Mary Senn Victor Corder Kathy Cook Jessica Hickey T Newby Linn Austin Stephen Heller Kathryn Lake Sara McMurray Jerry Proffit Chris Ahearn Sofia Jouravel Dalia Hoffman Simone Morris Kristy Hughes Sara Rodites Eglė Milavickas Dan Hill Kat Collins Martin Sorge Jen Vest Basia Kapolka Gregory Carter Lee Herman Laurel Petty Melissa Manfredi Beth Ruegg Kate Samano Kate Gannon

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