
Chicago Market Board Meeting Minutes - August 22, 2018

Present: Emily, Dana, Kelly, Kristin, Greg, Pat, Lee, Grant, Dan, Edward, Sara, Joel
Lakeview Pantry, 7pm
Notes: Emily

  • We went around the table for current and new Board members to share a little about themselves and share a favorite food memory.

  • Grant handed out and reviewed Board of Directors Agreements; all Directors present signed and returned them
  • Grant did an introduction/refresher on the Mission, Vision, and Values

Team Check ins

  • Grant and others gave a description of the various teams, as well as recent and upcoming projects.
  • CDS team works with CDS (Co-operative Development Services) who provides consultants in various areas of expertise. We use them as needed, and have used them previously in pro forma work and the GM search.
  • The finance team is comprised of Edward, the treasurer, Meg, our finance person, and the cash flow team (Ankit, Edward, and Greg). The finance team oversees cash flow, accounts, budgets, and all money-related processes. 
  • Edward gave us the monthly finance report and explained some big upcoming expenses (insurance, Gerber deposit). Edward has finished opening a bank account at Bridgeview Bank in Uptown to support OLC income.
  • The Funding team (Greg, Ankit) oversees OLC, bank loans, TIF funds (Sara), and other funding sources. Owner Equity and Owner loans should account for about half of our total budget of $5 million. Greg went over the various funding sources we're currently pursuing, as well as applications for loans that we'll be pursuing in the next 6 months.
  • Dana gave us an overview of the GM/PM hiring team (Dana and Edward) and is hoping to bring on new Board member Pat who has an HR background. The team has put together a timeline for hiring and a matrix for the qualifications for each position. From the job qualifications comes a job description, a job posting, and recruiting. It looks like we may be utilizing a CDS consultant to act as the project manager. We want to have a GM on board by 8 months before store opening. Greg suggested that we look at that timeline with our owner's rep and the Site team to see if that still works. We also need to revisit the work we're hoping to do with Wynston, the consultant who may act as our PM.
  • Grant read us through updates from the Legal team, which is headed by Anthony. We've recently renewed our insurance. Our premiums went up based on the growth of our organization. Generally, the Legal team oversees contract language, OLC prospectus language, and all other legal matters. 
  • The MORE team is marketing, Owner recruitment and Engagement. They focus on Owner growth through events, social media, and other initiatives. They are currently doing two info sessions and one social event a month. They've created a structure within Basecamp so that ideally any volunteer can successfully plan and execute an event. MORE is focused on Owner growth, but it is the responsibility of the whole Board. The next two big events are the party at My Buddies and the Up and Under event at the Wilson Underline on September 15th and we'll need a lot of help! New Board members should plan to come to upcoming info sessions to get a feel for the structure and routine. MORE meetings are now open to the public in hopes that we draw even more volunteers.
  • Dana walked us through Organizational Development (Dana, Lee, Grant and Sara). Org Dev works to make sure we're working and growing efficiently as an organization. Org Dev is looking to have a consultant come in to help us improve accountability, decision making, work flow, etc., especially now that we have new Board members. Org Dev is also focusing on improving onboarding for new Board members (Basecamp, email usage, calendars, processes) and improve the "buddy system".
  • The OLC team is lead by Sofia, and includes several other Board members and volunteers (Anthony, Malcolm, Ankit, Greg). They have written the OLC prospectus, developed a timeline, opened a bank account, started the pre-campaign, identified potential high-level lenders, segmented current Owners based on previous conversations and research, and have started seeding the idea at events and in email/social communication. They're currently working on exploring hiring a consultant to help, organizing OLC info session, printing and distributing the OLC prospectus.
  • The Site team is headed by Dan, and includes Greg, Jd and Doug. Recently we've procured the building, negotiated the lease, hired an architect, a store designer, and an owners rep. They've been having design meetings, including one that the mayor happened to be at. Their current focus is facilitating the design process and keeping us on our timeline. They are hoping to form a stewardship committee to maintain the areas around the building, do community outreach, and liaison with Uptown United. They're also working with our environmental assessment firm. Recently they signed a contract for security for the building. Site will connect with MORE to talk about utilizing the Gerber space to our advantage while it sits empty.
  • Grant walked us through Board operations. A recent project has been creating alternative Ownership structures, and Anthony should be posting about that soon. Joel suggested trying to launch a discounted Ownership structure at the Up & Under Fest, which was a widely supported idea.
  • Misc: we have a Web 2.0 team, a Zero Waste team, and a new volunteer coordinator. We also have HR, IT & Data Management, Grocery/logistics/research/procurement teams.
CDS Proposal
  • The Board has been working with Jeanie Wells from CDS to help us figure out the scope of our involvement with their consultants. She strongly suggests we start with more Board development to help us transition from a working Board to a governing Board. CDS sent us a proposal for a consultant to help us with that. Read an explanation for this proposal here: CDS Proposal for Approval - Board For context, CDS works with lots of co-ops, and can provide support in many different areas from inception to opening and beyond. We're the ones who do the work, but their consultants can help guide us up the "mountain" as we work toward our goal of opening a store. 
  • Previously we've asked CDS to be more clear in tangible outcomes in their proposals, and Dana is pleased that they've included outcomes in this version of this proposal.
  • Our previous work with CDS: the GM search team has worked with a consultant, but that is dormant for now. Site foresees working with their store planner consultant in the near future. We also did a one day retreat with the full Board.
  • Lee moved to accept the proposal. Dan seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously accepted.
  • Grant encouraged everyone to review the timeline and noted it will be covered in Orientation for new Board members. 

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