
Chicago Market Owner Profiles: Meet Kjerstin!

Chicago Market's Owner Profiles invite co-op Owners to answer a few fun questions about themselves, so we can virtually 'meet' and build community with each other. 

Here, meet Owner #691 Kjerstin Jacobs - experienced Co-operator, compassionate Veterinarian, aspirational beekeeper :)

Click on the blue OWNER PROFILES tag at the bottom of this page for more Profiles. And then fill out your own profile, so we can meet you, too!


What's your name and tell us about who else shares your fridge at home or work?  My name is Kjerstin (pronounced "Keerstin"). I share my home fridge with my 22-year-old daughter, and my work fridge with 20 amazing and conscientious Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians and Client Service Representatives at Metropolitan Veterinary Center.

How did you come to be a Chicago Market Owner?  I grew up in Madison, WI, which has a rich history of neighborhood co-ops. I was a member of the Willy Street Co-op at the tender age of 15! I love the sense of community and the focus on local and sustainable food that comes along with co-op membership. I was pretty surprised at the lack of a similar community here in Chicago. My sister-in-law, Karen Jacobs, introduced me to Chicago Market a couple of years ago, and I jumped at the chance to become an Owner. 

What type of work do you do?  I'm a Veterinarian. Working with animals is a technically and intellectually demanding job, but it also heavily relies on "soft skills" of caring and communication with people from all walks of life. Often it's presumed that Veterinarians choose their profession because they like animals better than people, but the reality is that it requires tremendous ability to bond with fellow human beings over the care of their beloved pets, often in stressful and high pressure situations. 

Is there something new you'd like to learn or pursue, now or someday?  I would love to keep bees on my roof in Lincoln Park!

What's your one 'wish come true' that you'd love to see from Chicago Market? Might be a product for our shelves, a program you'd like to see there, a job you'd like to have, a location; you name it! GO!  I think the proposed Chicago Market location in Uptown would be perfect!

What else is really important to you?  The preservation of our planet over time is extremely important to me. Conscientious food production and consumption, plant and animal, is critical. The older and wiser I become, the more I recognize the value of local community efforts to focus on these these facets of our food supply and pursue the implementation of such. 

Three words that best describe you?  Open, cooperative, forward-focused. 


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