
Chicago Market's July 22, 2020 Board Meeting

Have a question for the Chicago Market Board?
Want to see the Board in action?

Chicago Market Board meetings are open to all Owners,
and now conducted via Zoom!
(accessible on all phones, tablets and computer platforms)

RSVP and we'll email Owners the Zoom login info shortly before the meeting. 

You just need to let us know you'll be coming (by RSVP'ing below!) and whether you'll be needing comment time. (Owners can speak for up to 5 minutes, and we'll be capping comment time to 30 minutes per Board meeting.)

Please send any questions for the Board in advance to [email protected].

July 22, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Chicago, IL
United States
Google map and directions
Jacqueline Hannah Kaye Kirsch Lee Herman Carolyn Kessler Dana McKinney Anthony Todd Robert Kunze Sofia Jouravel Michelle Schutz Jason Harris Chris Ahearn Paul Winters Benji Corpuz Stephen Heller Amin Shawki Donna Curtin Jeff Shaknaitis Nikolas Hove Casey Oberlin Edmund Talideh Caren Evers Christa Clumpner Rachel Simon Suzan Pinsof Victor Corder Tony Neuhoff Mary Beth Williams Annette Mambuca Sharon Furiya Kerri McClimen Wendy Anderhous William Kearney Maggie Bowman Deborah Mann Joseph Fedorko Sheri Reda Lauren Thomas West Becky Reimer Allie Koolbeck James Gignac Matthew Ruffi Grant Kessler

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