
Chicago Market Board Meeting Minutes - December 27, 2017

Location: Uncommon Ground
Present: Lee, Emily, Grant, Edward, Dana, Greg, Jen, Sunny
Guests: Vivian, Fred, and Caroline, all very recent new Owners
Minutes: Emily

Welcomed new guests:

New owner Vivian found us on Google after having a great experience at Dill Pickle
New owners Caroline and Fred, married couple, found us on Google as well looking for ways to move away from corporations and more to community-based organizations, and sustainable options

Shout outs:
Kudos to Sara and the Site team and the quick turnaround for the market study
Shout out to MORE and Kinship on a great 12 Days of Ownership campaign, and to Dana for connecting with new and potential Owners

Treasurer's check in:
Not happening in person tonight, but be sure to review finance docs and post questions

Outstanding To Dos:
Board: policy governance review process being driven by Ankit. Reviews were due Dec 24. Grant will reach out to firm up dates and ideally connect to actual To Dos for each Board member
Response to the DC: done
Aggregated timeline- Jan 24
Volunteer coordinator and info session docs- Katie and Dana. Want to have it done week before Jan 17.
Officer elections: done
Met re: TIF and sent follow-up docs: done
Cash flow benchmarks: meeting on Jan 5?  Lee to confirm
Feedback from a potential lender about cash flow, and need to flesh out scenarios where we don’t receive certain loans/grants/other funds
Discussed Benefit Chicago application
OLC isn’t very active right now, need to onboard more volunteers for this project

Guest discussion
Greg and Jen took a time out to explain Benefit Chicago and Owner Loan Campaign in more depth to our guests
Guest Caroline asked if co-ops were supported by local government, and Greg gave a run down about TIF funds

Owner Growth
We're up to 993 Owners!
Chip/Kinship is going to follow up with board members about the Owner Advocacy campaign

Board officer elections:
We completed officer elections and have four officers: Grant Kessler is the Board President, Lee Herman is Vice President, Edward Collins-Fanner is Treasurer, Emily Crespo is Secretary 

GM/PM team:
Extensive group discussion about the GM/PM hiring processes: timing, cash flow, solidifying our search criteria, transition from planning to building to opening

Executive session:

Team discussion about the future of our consulting needs: cost, timing, recommendations from others

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