
Greetings (and congrats!) to Owners Myles Soverel and Elliot Massuda

Chicago Market is thrilled to welcome newly married Owner #984 Myles Soverel and Elliott Massuda. Learn more about them...

Tell us your full name – as well as who else shares your fridge (i.e., is a part of your household?).

My name is Myles Soverel and I share my fridge with my husband, Elliot Massuda.

What motivated you to become an Owner of Chicago Market?

We just bought a place in Andersonville. We love the area and so we really wanted to strengthen our connections to the Andersonville/Uptown neighborhood communities. Elliot loves cooking and I come from a farm in rural Maine, so being a part of a co-op made sense for us.

What type of work do you do?

Elliot works for a company based out of New York City that provides an electronic healthcare platform for behavioral health agencies and non-profits. I work in commercial construction management in Chicago and build restaurants and bars throughout the city. 

What else is really important to you…and why?

We love entertaining, spending time with family and friends, and traveling. All of these things involve people/connecting with people, so that’s probably why we love them.

Is there something new you’d like to learn or pursue…either now or someday?

So much! I'd love the opportunity to practice Arabic with someone and am always looking to explore chatting about new business ventures.

Elliot would love to potentially open an event space or restaurant in Andersonville, and he is always interested in local real estate happenings.

Both of us would like to learn and engage more with people that live in the Andersonville/Uptown area, and would also love to learn more about the local “politics”.

Do you have a favorite food or “signature dish”?

Mexican and Middle Eastern are both incredible. Elliot’s signature dish might be shakshuka, even though he has only cooked it once. It was pretty insane!

What’s your ‘one wish come true” for Chicago Market? It might be a product for our shelves, a program you’d like to see us offer, a location – you name it!

Would love for Chicago Market to be at the new Wilson train station!

What three words best describe you?

Falafel. Hummus. Burrito.

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