
January 2019 Newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - January 2019

Resolutions for Success in 2019

In the spirit of the New Year, we at Chicago Market would like to share a few Resolutions.
We resolve to:

  • Make a big announcement soon!
  • Visit your neighborhood! We're focused on Andersonville this month, Lincoln Square in February and coming to other north side areas throughout the year. Come out to our Info Sessions and Mixers and bring your friends.
  • Continue keeping you apprised of our activities and progress! See the Recent Progress section below.
  • Champion our volunteers and welcome others! We thanked some of them here.
  • Grow our team! Our Site/Arc Team has been working with co-op consultant Wynston Estis and John Hatzung (pictured) of freshArc on our store design. We've also been working with Jeanie Wells and Leslie Watson at CDS Consulting Co-op and are starting Don Moffitt on departmental breakouts of our proposed store plan. This is also the year we will hire a General Manager.
  • Fund our store! Owners will need to help us reach our Owner Loan funding goal of $1.8M this year so that we can secure a bank loan against that equity.

Remember that Co-op success rests not with some large corporation or investor. It rests with us. With you. With the individuals in this community who own and operate Chicago Market. This means YOU have Resolutions too:
Chicago Market Owners resolve to:

  • Grow the community! Tell a friend why this Co-op matters so much to you. Don't keep it a secret! Bring them to an Info Session; point them to the website; bring them onboard as an Owner so we reach our 2000 Owner goal and can fund the store.
  • Fund the store! We had a strong Owner Loan Campaign in the fall, but we have not reached our $1.8M funding goal. Consider how your investment plan can include Chicago Market and reach out to our team to make it happen. Don't wait. It is critical to our success.
  • Get involved! Volunteer. Attend Board meetings. Consider running for the Board. Join us at our Annual Meeting this summer. Celebrate with us at our monthly Mixers and social events.
  • Talk it up! Post a yard sign. Carry your Owner tote bag everywhere. Share our content - especially our events - regularly on social media.


Recent Progress  

  • At the end of November the Board elected its officers for the year - Grant Kessler continues as President; Lee Herman continues as Vice President; Ankit Mehta is our new Treasurer and Anthony Todd is our new Secretary.
  • In December, we hosted a consultant for a day-long Board retreat to work on our governance processes and prepare us for overseeing first a Project Manager then our General Manager. Store design is well underway!
  • At our December Board meeting the Site/Arc team shared the latest iteration of the schematic floor plan with the Board for review. 

Upcoming Events

Come on out and bring your non-Owner friends along!

Colectivo Coffee Ownership Info Session - January 15, 7-8pm (details and RSVP here)
TrueNorth Cafe Ownership Info Session - January 26, 4-5pm (details and RSVP here)
Meeting House Tavern Mixer - January 31, 6-8pm (details and RSVP here)

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