
June 2022 newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter — June 2022graphic of red scalloped circle with white text that reads: 2191 Owners; +25 since last Newsletter

Uptown Art Fair Is a Huge Success

One of Chicago Market's missions is to be a store that is a community hub — a vibrant gathering place where all are welcome. 

For two days recently we showed that we are that. Our future home was humming with activity as we hosted the Uptown Art Fair in our space. The room was full of creative artists; the sidewalk welcomed live painting; and over 3,000 people attended to be a part of it. 

Chicago Market was front and center at our booth talking with everyone we could and we welcomed 10 new Owners during the Fair. 

It was a terrific weekend that showed how wonderful and welcoming Uptown is and that Chicago Market is already a central part of the community. 

photo of artist standing among their paintings photo of two artists standing behind a clothing rack of tie-dyed shirts photo of a young girl on the floor painting a canvas that is lying on the floor photo of a person holding a canvas tote bag and smiling; the tote has the Chicago Market logo on it
photo of a couple holding a canvas tote bag and smiling; the tote has the Chicago Market logo on it photo of artist standing among their paintings; one painting in the foreground reads @andreacook photo of artist standing at their table which has purses and jewelry on it photo of artist painting a board on the sidewalk

Uptown Farmers Market

Your Co-op produces a farmers market, and it's amazingly delicious and beautiful!

grid of 15 close-up photos of produce; singe word black text on white backgrounds on four of them read LOCAL. SUSTAINABLE. SEASONAL. YOURS.

But it's not the same without you! 

Come out on Wednesdays in our parking lot and shop for all the local, seasonal, sustainable produce you love.
Uptown Farmers Market
Wednesdays | 2:30 - 7:00pm (rain or shine)
Wilson & Broadway
SNAP accepted; Link Match available

Uptown Farmers Market Profile — Swedish Hospital

photo of 6 women in a loose circle around a table. The two in the foreground are putting carrots with green tops into shopping bags.The Uptown Farmers Market has completed its sixth week of the season, and we're lucky to have several amazing sponsors allowing us to do some great things this year—like providing free tote bags (stop by the Chicago Market table to get yours!). And we wouldn't have those bags without sponsors like Swedish Hospital, so thank you!

Swedish Hospital is not only one of our sponsors (and a Chicago Market Owner!) but will also be present at the farmers market on June 29. Swedish Hospital works in Uptown and all around Chicago to promote healthy eating and food access. We've been working with Amanda Kritt, the Food Connections Coordinator, who helps lead hospital efforts including the Veggies for Health and Food Connections programs. Follow us to our blog to learn more about Swedish Hospital and the difference they're making in Uptown and beyond.

Run for the Board!

Love your Co-op and want to volunteer on the Board to steer it to open? Now's the time to think about it and learn more. Start by attending Board meetings and volunteering with us. We'll be offering So, You Want to Be a Board Member info sessions soon too, so watch our website and social media for those announcements. Elections are in September, but now's the time to get involved. Interested? Email Dana to let us know.

News from Our Business Owners

Collective Resource Compost:
Photo of the top of a green plastic garbage bin labeled COMPOST and with the name Collective Resource, Inc. and web address collectiveresource.us printed on it. One hand is holding the lid open and the person's other hand is dropping a corn husk into the bin."We’re happy to be donating our composting services for this year’s Uptown Farmers Market produced by Chicago Market. So much of what Tamales Express serves can be composted including corn husks, corn cobs, mango and the wooden sticks they’re served on. If you bring your own fork, you should be able to have a nearly zero waste dinner. If you’d like to have a one-on-one chat about all of the different possible ways you could integrate composting and zero waste into your home and workplace, we’re planning on being present on these dates: June 22, July 20, August 17, September 14, and October 12. If you can’t wait until then, fill out the form on our website to get connected with our customer service team."

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