

I love cooking, eating, gardening. A Farmers Market is my "happy place." I've always envied friends who've been part of successful food co-ops. Chicago Market feels like the perfect opportunity to build something that matters, to me & to others. I appreciate the advantages of the many market options we have already on Chicago's north side, but wouldn't it be great to have producers & neighbors working creatively together - take away the corporate middle-folks and the limitations and extra money they require - instead, we can provide choices, knowledge and some cooperative fun for everyone. People ask me what food issues I'm passionate about and here's the simple list: CHOICE: whether you're vegan, GF, paleo, diabetic or organic, a grower, producer or chef, able to afford a lot or a little, a good food community offers choices that value individuals and community over corporate decision-making and third-party profits. TRANSPARENCY: a good food community welcomes and supports individuals' knowledge of where & who their food comes from, what's in it (or not), and how it comes to market. JOY: a good food community celebrates all the joy that *food* brings to our lives - the way it looks, tastes, smells; the rewards of growing, cooking, baking, preserving, serving and sharing - and also all the joy that *community* brings to our lives - working together for common benefits; using what we do as a way to welcome, nourish, support, partner with and grow our neighbors and neighborhoods. Chicago Market can do all of this and I'm so thrilled to have the chance to be part of it, as an Owner and now a new Board member. Join us! And let's make it happen together!

Moved from small-town New England to Chicago in 1986; husband Andy & I raised 2 amazing kids in the ‘burbs, recently moved back to Ravenswood area. Retired from a great career at a big media agency downtown & looking for my next fun thing!

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