
May 2021 Newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - May 2021

Innovator Award

Your Co-op received an amazing honor today. We were recognized with the Up and Coming Food Co-op Conference Startup Innovator award for our SHOP initiative!

Launched during COVID, SHOP connects local farm and food producers with YOU, the eaters and shoppers in the Chicago Market community. And conference organizers at the Food Co-op Initiative and the Indiana Cooperative Development Center recognized us for...

"...the blazing of a new way forward to solve the challenges faced by startup food co-ops, or a new and innovative way to address the needs of the co-op’s community through the development of their food cooperative. Awardees have shown exceptional creativity in meeting the needs of their developing co-op and have created a new practice others can follow."

Congrats to our SHOP team - Jonathon, Kate, Matthew, Michelle, Sofia, and Steve.

We're also honored to have our SHOP team lead, Matthew Ruffi, presenting at Up & Coming this week so that other co-ops around the country can learn from us. We've learned so much from our peers there over the years - it's wonderful for us to be sharing what we've learned too. 

This is YOUR award - come to the conference celebration with us. All Owners are welcome:

Friday, May 14th, 5:30-6:30p central

There's still time for you to SHOP this week - support your local farms and food producers while getting fresh, healthy, delicious food for you and your family:

Uptown Farmers Market Launches

Our inaugural Uptown Farmers Market last week was a huge success!

We had great shopper turnout. And reports from our vendors is they were very happy and had a good sales day. If you came out, thank you for your support of our local food producers. If not, don't miss it this week. 

"Offering a farmers market at Wilson and Broadway builds awareness in people that this is the corner in Uptown where you go to buy fresh, healthy food. It is also where you connect with farmers, food producers and fellow shoppers over shared food and sustainability values. It's a win for Chicago Market and for Uptown."      - Dan Arnett, general manager
Quick market news and updates:
  • The vendor list will expand and there will be farmers with more fresh goods soon. Early May is, well, early, and farms have had cool weather, so things are starting slowly. 

  • We're applying to accept LINK and LINK Match to make all this delicious, healthy food more accessible. The application process does take a little time, but do know we're working on it.

  • Remember that properly worn masks and 6' distancing are required, and that although we're excited to have prepared food vendors, eating and drinking needs to be taken off-site.

  • Be sustainable! Bring your own shopping bags! But remember that vendors are not allowed to load into your bags, so please handle that yourself.

  • Bring your knives, garden tools and scissors for Sharpening By Dave to sharpen!


Wednesdays, May to November (rain or shine)
Wilson & Broadway



Upcoming Events 


News from Our Business Owners

  • Yoga Body Elements has two new exciting offers!
    Outdoor Classes - Weekly in Uptown
    4009 N Sheridan

    Complimentary Virtual Classes
    1 Week Unlimited until May 31st
    *available to new students
    Register at www.yogabodyelements.com/events

  • Collective Resource Compost founder/owner and Chicago Market Owner #1477 Erlene Howard was one of the 16 Eco-Warriers featured in this article on Better.net.  

Thanks to Our Volunteers

Hello all! 

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who reached out to help this season with the Uptown Farmers Market. The response was overwhelming, and we had several volunteers who reached out and said “I’ll be there every week to help” right out of the gate. 

From photographers to attendance clickers to greeters to parking lot cleaners – volunteers make this market possible. So, thank you from me and Elsa (Market Manager). We couldn’t do this without you!

Kate, Volunteer Coordinator

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