
New Owner Bridget Janso has the perfect antidote to being 'Blue'

With her sweet pooch, Blue, in tow, one of Chicago Market's newest Owners, Bridget Janso #1508, has a list of things she'd like to see come to life once our Co-op opens. But first...here's a little about her and her brood.

Tell us your full name – as well as who else shares your fridge.

My name is Bridget Janso, and I share my fridge with my boyfriend, Aaron Brown. Sometimes our dog, Blue, also snacks out of it!

What motivated you to become an Owner of Chicago Market?

I think it’s important to be a part of the growing idea that our food needs to be sourced more responsibly. I wanted to support local farmers as well.

What type of work do you do?

I am a recruiter for an agency that works with actuaries and data scientists.

What else is really important to you…and why?

I consider myself an environmental activist, and I’m constantly looking for ways to lessen my carbon footprint. Also, building relationships is important to me. I am by nature a curious person, so the pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement is something I thrive at.

Is there something new you’d like to learn or pursue…either now or someday?

I am very passionate about the environment, and I would love to explore some volunteer opportunities in Chicago (or worldwide) around ecological activism.

Do you have a favorite food or “signature dish”?

I recently have tried to dabble in veganism, so my food preparation has changed dramatically in the last few months. However, some form of pizza will always remain in my life!

What’s your ‘one wish come true” for Chicago Market? It might be a product for our shelves, a program you’d like to see us offer, a location – you name it!

So many things!

- I would love us to consider another store in a neighborhood that is underprivileged.

- I would love to be a part of a Chicago Market educational course that focuses on sustainability, one that shares some easy changes that people can make to benefit the planet.

- I’d also love for the Market to partner with one of the city’s compost clubs to allow members to have access to proper food waste management.

- Oh, and healthy-cooking classes, too!

What three words best describe you?

Curious. Tenacious. Thoughtful.

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