
November 2019 Newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - November 2019

Working Together on Owner Growth

The strength of a co-op is its people. And for start-ups like ours, having enough Owners means hitting the funding goals in our business planning. We truly need to break the 2,000 Owner mark in order to talk with the banks and we are SO CLOSE!

At 1,773 Owners right now, our marketing and events teams are putting a lot of effort into finishing the year strong. We hosted a fantastic Open House recently which welcomed 16 new Owners that day; we have two more Ownership Info Sessions on the calendar and we're really looking forward to another great Holiday Pop-Up Market on December 6.

Chicago Market volunteers are working hard to make these events possible so we can connect with those who are interested in joining us to reach the goal. But this goal is YOUR GOAL, so you can help too. Help us draw people to these events. Invite your friends and neighbors who've been thinking about joining. Bring them to the Holiday Pop-Up Market where you can woo them with hot apple cider, holiday music and community warmth. Share these events on your social media. Email them to people. Share your excitement to help us end the year strong. Together we can blow past 2,000!


Other News  

Thanks for your service!
We're incredibly grateful for the years of commitment and dedication Dan Miller and John Michael Rotello have given to their Co-op as Board members. We're sorry to see them go, but we're better for having had them leading. Both have stepped down from the Board recently but will continue to be active with us as volunteers. 


In the News


Upcoming Events


News from the community

Our incredibly supportive chamber needs your input!
"Uptown United is embarking on a plan for the commercial corridors along Wilson Avenue and Broadway near the newly rebuilt Wilson CTA station. The goal of this plan is to support and build a thriving commercial district. We need input from people who live, work, and visit the area.

We launched three public surveys to get your input: a separate survey for three distinctive areas of Central Uptown's commercial areas.

Complete the survey and win! If you complete any of the three surveys by November 12th, 2019 (today!) and provide your email address, you will be entered to win one of four $25 gift certificates to a local restaurant!"


Volunteer Opportunities

  • Are you an inventory fanatic? Or just interested in helping out with our merchandise (t-shirts, water bottles, yard signs)? Either way, we could use your help as Merchandise Coordinator. Duties include responding to merchandise sales on email, tracking and/or making deliveries and updating our online data base system to reflect sales. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator if you are interested.
  • Want another way to volunteer with us? Please get in touch with our volunteer coordinator if you are interested.


You Can Always Loan

Yes, our Owner Loan Campaign is on hiatus right now, but we still need to fill our funding gap and YOU can loan anytime! Email Sofia to get started!

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