
Open House + Community Seed Swap

Chicago Market is excited to host this year's Peterson Garden Project Annual Seed Swap event! Whether you saved seeds from plants in your garden, have leftover new or used seed packets, or are looking for seeds, this event is the place to be!

In addition to the seed swap, Chicago Market will also have an open house where you can tour our future store and learn about getting involved in a better grocery store model—one that prioritizes sustainability, transparency, and community economic impact. Plus, our SHOP team will also have several products for sale from local producers and farmers.

And if you're already an Owner but haven't received your Owner tote bag yet, stop in for that and start carrying it proudly over your shoulder to tell the world YOU OWN a grocery store!

If you RSVP below we'll send you a friendly reminder, but it's not necessary. Drop in anytime between the hours of 11:00am and 2:00pm on Saturday, March 12th. See you there!

March 12, 2022 at 11:00am - 2pm
Chicago Market
4620 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Sasha Hanna Kimberly Allyn Rachel A Herminio Cardona Grant Kessler Laura Litman Heather Dillon Kim Walz Jenna Plakut Kasey Eaves Elizabeth Rochford Matthew Ruffi James Gignac

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