
Owner Loan Lunch

Join us at our Owner Loan Lunch to share a meal and get info from Board members and volunteers about how YOU can loan to your Co-op.

Chicago Market has secured an amazing location; now we need to FUND the project. Of the approximately $5+ million necessary to build and open Chicago Market, $1.8 million needs to come from Owner Loans. These loans come from you, the Owners, and are your way to help ensure the success of Chicago Market.

RSVP, bring a friend, and we'll see you there!

What is an Owner Loan?
An Owner Loan is a loan of money from an individual Owner to Chicago Market, which will be repaid by the Co-op over time. Owner Loans are a common method by which co-ops raise money which keeps support for the business local and in the community. Owners choose their interest rate and term, and only Owners living in Illinois are eligible to loan. Some opportunity for out-of-state and non-Owner loans exists; ask for details. 

Can't wait and want to connect with our Owner Loan team now? 
Email Sofia at [email protected].

May 08, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1pm
Everybody's Coffee
935 W Wilson Ave
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Elyn Koentopp-Vanek Jessica Droeger Grant Kessler

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