Food and Farm Advocate and Writer
The Chicago Market will give people an alternative to the current food system that exploits animals, people, and the environment -- and very often makes people, animals, and the environment sick. To make good food fair and affordable, we need to change the entire food system, and the Chicago Market is an important part of that change. A cooperatively owned food emporium will create a more rationale, just, and legitimate food and farm economy, will allow people to find real food more easily, and will facilitate a transparency to assure people that their purchases are supporting sustainable farmers who treat all living things with respect, and who will leave their patch of earth better than they found it.
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I write and speak on a wide variety of food and farm topics. As the 4th of 5 generations of a central Illinois farming family, I know the crucial importance of farming in a way that enhances rather than degrades the soil, air, and water upon which all lif