
Urban Innovation Symposium

Chicago Market's Board member Greg Berlowitz will be speaking on the Future of Co-ops panel at this year's 9th annual Urban Innovation Symposium. The Symposium will be focusing on collaborative creativity to solve a plethora of problems challenging the urban environment.

The Future of Co-ops: How Cooperatives Can Contribute to Community Economic Development in Chicago

Cooperatives are value-driven business enterprises that are collectively owned and democratically controlled by their members. While there are thousands of (non-housing) cooperatives in cities across the country, there are relatively few in Chicago but their numbers are steadily increasing. Even more promising is the fact that Cook County recently passed a resolution supporting the development of worker cooperatives. We will explore how different types of cooperatives are playing a role in community economic development and the potential for expanding cooperative enterprises in Chicago, especially in marginalized neighborhoods.


Register for Free here

January 25, 2019 at 5:45pm - 6:45pm
National Museum of Mexican Art
1852 W 19th St
Chicago, IL 60608
United States
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