
Why did Dana and Josh Penley become Owners?

Dana and Josh, longtime Uptown residents, are thrilled to be two of the newest Owners of Chicago Market - #1344. Learn more about them...

Tell us your full name – as well as who else shares your fridge.

I'm Dana Penley and I share my fridge with my husband Josh.

What motivated you to become Owners of Chicago Market?

We are really excited about bringing locally sourced foods to our neighborhood and excited to fill the space under the Red Line that has been abandoned since we moved to this neighborhood seven years ago.

What type of work do you do?

Josh is a 6th grade science and reading teacher at Greeley Elementary in our neighborhood and I am a Growth Manager at a tech start-up company downtown.

What else is really important to you…and why?

Building a community of people who are trusting and respect the neighborhood. We have found wonderful community through our church Mission Dei, working out at First Ascent and getting to know all the families at Josh’s school. We are excited to continue these communities with Chicago Market.

Is there something new you’d like to learn or pursue…either now or someday?

Josh wants to learn how to set routes at the bouldering gym and I want to learn how to break dance.

Do you have a favorite food or “signature dish”?

We love trying new foods. Currently we are in love with Vietnamese pho and Indian cuisine.

What’s your ‘one wish come true” for Chicago Market? It might be a product for our shelves, a program you’d like to see us offer, a location – you name it!

That Chicago Market becomes a thriving part of this neighborhood for years to come. Also Josh would love some more interesting mushrooms to cook with!

What three words best describe you?

Passionate, loving, and adventurous.



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