
April 2019 Newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - April 2019

Next Phase of Our Owner Loan Campaign Is Coming Soon!

Owners investing in their community's co-op through owner loans happens all the time. That's how we all get started! It's a special opportunity only Owners of our co-op have - the chance to invest locally and support the launch of our very own co-op.

As we look forward to our Owner Loan Campaign kicking off later this month, we're loving this story about our friends at River Valley Market in Massachusetts. Their owners raised a record-setting $1M in 2007 to get them open.

If you made a loan in our first phase, THANK YOU! And for everyone else, your opportunity is coming this month. Let's do this!

I am thrilled to be able to invest in a community-based enterprise and support a Chicago neighborhood.
Audrey Wennink Lender, Owner #772


Come on out for our first Owner Loan Happy Hour and watch our website for more - we'll be adding them soon! Free drink, courtesy of Hopleaf and we'll pick up the snacks. Learn all about how YOU can invest in your Co-op.

Owner Loan Happy Hour - April 23, 6:00pm at Hopleaf (details and RSVP here)


  • Join our Capital Campaign team - There's still time to volunteer for our Owner Loan Campaign calling team! If you're passionate about your Co-op, comfortable talking with people about money and the reasons to loan and you can contribute 6+ hours per week (at home or at our calling gatherings), we'll get you trained and you can contribute to our success! Email Sofia to learn more and volunteer. 

  • Help us garden! We have a plot in GrowUptown and would love a small team to garden it for us and plan for use of that food. Who's in? Email [email protected].

Partner News

  • City Grange, the new social enterprise gardening center, is throwing their opening celebration April 12-14.

  • Get ready to grow your own organic food! Peterson Garden Project’s Edible Plant Sale is back, and this year is better than ever with all organic plants (grown by our Owner friends at Montalbano Farms!) and a new location at Chicago’s new year-round organic garden center. Proceeds support PGP's free community programs. Learn more HERE.
    April 27-28 (cool crops) and May 11-12 (hot crops)
    City Grange 5500 N Western Ave Chicago IL 60625

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