
April 2021 newsletter

Chicago Market Newsletter - April 2021

Welcoming Dan Arnett

Our Co-op continues to reach important milestones. Dan Arnett, general manager, officially joined us and started the onboarding process!

We couldn't meet for donuts in the breakroom to welcome our first employee, but the Board gathered on Zoom to greet him and launch his Orientation. 

We gave him a broad overview of our Co-op's history and development, a strong sense of our Owners' vision for the store, and a list of next steps for him to begin managing. It's exciting to see him responding to things like our Purchasing Values:

"I like that they are framed as values. The word "guidelines" would set a floor; "values" sets no limit and leaves room for great execution."


Board Changes

As we begin to oversee our first employee, our Board’s responsibilities shift from being a “working” Board to a “governing” Board. With these changes, we've reassessed our skillsets and interests at the Board level and announced a leadership change that will keep the Co-op strong and moving forward. After 8 years at the helm, Grant Kessler passed the baton of Board President to Matthew Ruffi.

Grant will remain on the Board and continue to be active on many of the committees with which he has been working. Matthew brings 21+ years of corporate experience which include 11+ years at an executive level and we are confident his leadership will guide us well in our next phase. We are ever grateful for the many years of commitment Grant has brought to our Co-op as president and thankful that he will remain on the Board to share his vast institutional knowledge and help us orient our new GM.

We've had Board members move on from the Board recently too and want to thank Ben Cook, Jonathan Hertel, Sheri Reda and Amin Shawki for their commitment and service to our Co-op. 
If you're interested in running for the Board and being part of guiding our Co-op forward, it is strongly recommended that you be volunteering and attending Board meetings now. Email us to learn about plugging in.

New Meet the Makers Video

Our next monthly pickup for SHOP is April 18th from 11am to 3pm.  Place your order online now...or just drop by to say hello. We also always have extras in case you stop in.

We've just added a new video to our Meet the Makers series - Pecatonica River Honey just opened their hives for the first time this spring and they've given us a sneak peak!

If you're new to SHOP, take a look at this and all our other "Makers" here. We love our farmers and are looking forward to telling more of their stories in coming weeks!

SHOP now:

In the News 


Upcoming Events 


News from Our Business Owners

The Levantine Kitchen is hosting a virtual cooking class/fundraiser on April 25th from 3 to 5pm that will benefit an organization working with Syrian refugees. Learn more and register here.

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