
Chicago Market 1,000 Owner Party



Chicago Market Owners, come join us to celebrate... YOU! 

Our local food community is 1,000 Owners strong -- that's 1,000 of our neighbors who believe in supporting local, eating sustainably, connecting with their community, and building something positive together right here in our backyard. 

Come join our informal meet up to mingle with fellow Owners, celebrate the accomplishments our community-owned organization, and learn about opportunities to participate in our our path toward opening our grocery store's doors. 

Want to bring a friend? The more the merrier! Our first 1,000 Owners is just the beginning of our community - to open our ambitious grocery project, we're already looking toward our NEXT 1,000 Owners and beyond. 

January 27, 2018 at 2:00pm - 5pm
O'Shaughnessey's Public House
4557 N Ravenswood Ave
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Sarah Brotherton Richard Stacewicz Uma Vaiyapuri Joseph Fedorko Christina Phillps Molly Milne Emily Crespo Kolleen Blume Beth Strever Robin Poulsen Nicole Gavrel Sara Rodites Sharon Jin Kim Renner Lesli Talpt William Rattan Michael Davis Victor Corder Joel Morales Thomas Walden Kelly Hewitt Terry Bergdall Hillary Stifler Dana McKinney Lee Herman Grant Kessler Tom Veed Chas Manning Eric Johnson Rona Pietrzak Caroline Williams Daniel Becco

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