
Meet the Candidates - Board of Directors Election

Join us for an online event to meet the candidates for Chicago Market's upcoming 2020 Board of Directors election! The event will be a hosted panel discussion with the candidates and a chance for Owners to get to know who will be running for the open Board seats. Jen Vest, past Chicago Market Board Member, will moderate and field questions from the Owners for the candidates.

Our election will take place through an online voting tool and begins immediately after the Annual Meeting on Sunday, August 30th. This is YOUR Co-op... As an Owner, we would love for you to be an informed voter for the Board of Directors and help us move our project forward towards our vision of creating a better food community - local, sustainable, connected.

Read about each of the candidates here: Board of Directors Candidate Statements

RSVP and we'll email Owners the Zoom login info shortly before the event.

August 25, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Zoom (link will be sent in advance to attendees)
Chicago, IL
Google map and directions
Grant Kessler Dana McKinney James Gignac

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