
Party 2000: Celebrating Chicago Market's Past, Present, and Future

Chicago Market recently passed a significant milestone -- our 2,000th Owner!

Let's celebrate at Fat Cat (4840 N. Broadway) on Thursday, July 22nd from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

We'll toast to where we've come as a Co-op and get energized for what comes next. And we have a challenge: let's get to 2021 Owners by July 22nd. Can we do it? Yes!

Our events team is cooking up some fun Year 2000 themes for the party. Bonus points for anyone that comes rocking some early 2000s fashion!

RSVP below, and we'll see you on July 22nd for Party 2000. Not yet a Chicago Market Owner? Click here to help us get to 2021!

This event will be a cash bar. Specials: Fat Cat Martini Night ($7 House Martinis until 7pm).

July 22, 2021 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Fat Cat
4840 N Broadway
Chicago, IL 60640
United States
Google map and directions
Ronald Bey Ken Sih Charles paul clark Amy Johnston Imron Bhatti Joseph Schupbach Joseph Fedorko Sylvia Mendez Libby Moore Kyle Naylor Phil Circle Kolleen Blume Jacob Erven Maggie Fullilove-Nugent Sam Wold Michael Boyd Steven Suski Akio Kakishima Patricia O'Donnell Alex Koppel maciej kurka Robert Kunze Lee Herman Helen Harrison Karen Naranjo Cass McAndover Matthew Ruffi Grant Kessler Nick Lush John Stryker Kate Grimm Carolyn Aronson Sofia Jouravel Dana McKinney Grace Diaz James Gignac

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