
Online Workshop: Seed Starting Basics with Kasey Eaves

Fan favorite Kasey Eaves of Vivant Gardening Services is back for the latest in her series of online workshops for the Chicago Market community! Join us as Kasey talks through the basics of starting seeds indoors so we can get our gardens started confidently and keep seedlings strong and healthy until it's time to transplant.

You do not need to be an experienced grower to enjoy this class. All you need is a desire to grow!

This online session is free to attend, but your $10 suggested donation helps support local businesses Chicago Market and Vivant Gardening Services. After you click "Send RSVP" below, an optional donation page will appear right below the confirmation text if you'd like to support us.

RSVP below and let's get growing!

Our presenter, Kasey Bersett Eaves, Owner #70, started growing edibles and her treasured sunflowers at age two on family farm property in southern Illinois. As owner of Vivant Gardening Services, she spends her days gardening with edibles, natives, and pollinator plants approachable to area residents, restaurants, schools, and more. Never daunted by the task of growing in a city’s unusual spaces, Kasey loves finding creative and easily maintained growing solutions for city dwellers.

March 30, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Zoom (link will be sent in advance to attendees)
Linsea Waugh Xyla Gatilao Caren Evers Stephanie Pentz Jonathan Hertel Julia Maness Matt Leung Scott Cummings Carlos Martinez Simone Morris Sarah Brotherton Besan Bannasch Becky Reimer Eric Sullivan Allison Gorton Amy Johnston Sarah Bergman Rick Sherwood Kolleen Blume Scott Kruger Dana McKinney Nick Lush Greg Carroll Julie Solomon Matt Ryan Amelia Levin Kate Grimm Kelly Hewitt James Gignac

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