
Happy Thanksgiving from Chicago Market

Tomorrow's Thanksgiving Day, and I'm thankful for my Co-op. Our Co-op.

I'm thankful for the local farmers and producers who participated in our Thanksgiving Pop-Up Market. Normally these events are big festive affairs, but we had to do things a little differently this time around. So we worked with our vendors to promote online sales during November, and this past Sunday opened our doors at Chicago Market for a safe, socially-distanced pick up event.

I'm thankful for our To Market, To Market team who worked with local farmers and producers to put together Harvest Boxes sold in conjunction with our Thanksgiving Pop-Up Market. (Also, be sure to check out the team's new Holiday Boxes on sale now!)

I'm thankful for the dozens of shoppers who joined us in choosing local this Thanksgiving. Congratulations to you! Mint Creek Farm had 25-30 turkey sales; Sauce and Bread Kitchen sold around 30 pecan pies; Seedling Fruit over 40 half-gallons of cider; and City Grange sold 15 of their beautiful table centerpieces. On top of that, we sold 28 Harvest Boxes. All together, that's hundreds of dollars in revenue to support local farmers and vendors, plus fantastic products in our homes and on our tables, made and grown by people we know.

While we continue to work toward a decision on whether to keep pursuing the Wilson & Broadway location, I'm thankful that Chicago Market is bringing local products and experiences to our community now. This year's Thanksgiving Pop-Up Market, Harvest Box sales, Apple-ween and Hazzard Free Farm partnerships, and online workshop series are small but powerfully inspiring examples of what we can do, and want to do, on a much bigger scale with your help to open our store.

So whatever your Thanksgiving holiday looks like this year, in person or online, I hope you can take a moment to tell your family and friends what our Co-op has been up to. Help them learn more about us and maybe they will join as an Owner or support us with a donation. And, of course, if you're not yet an Owner yourself, this holiday season is a great time to become one!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at your co-op.

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